
Looking for stories/words of encouragement to leave current job

Long story short, I make $15 an hour working at what is more or less a children’s birthday party venue in an administrative role. My boss is really difficult to work with and gets on me about the stupidest shit all the time, barely knows how to respect peoples off time despite multiple boundary-setting conversations, things run super inefficiently and frustratingly. Also I recently discovered I’m illegally not getting paid overtime thanks to a previous Reddit post. Talked to my boss who said “I’ll look into it,” haven’t heard back since. I have an interview for a manager position this weekend at a restaurant that pays $17-20, and I could really use the boost to help pay off my student/car debt and save for the job training program I’m attending in the fall. I have a really good feeling I’ll get the position. However, the only other full time staff…

Long story short, I make $15 an hour working at what is more or less a children’s birthday party venue in an administrative role. My boss is really difficult to work with and gets on me about the stupidest shit all the time, barely knows how to respect peoples off time despite multiple boundary-setting conversations, things run super inefficiently and frustratingly. Also I recently discovered I’m illegally not getting paid overtime thanks to a previous Reddit post. Talked to my boss who said “I’ll look into it,” haven’t heard back since.

I have an interview for a manager position this weekend at a restaurant that pays $17-20, and I could really use the boost to help pay off my student/car debt and save for the job training program I’m attending in the fall. I have a really good feeling I’ll get the position.

However, the only other full time staff member just put in his two weeks notice a few days ago, and my boss is freaking out. I feel bad leaving right before our busiest season, but I also know it would be bad for me to stay, and make it impossible for me to go back to school full time. I’d have to do the part time program instead that would take twice as long, and have me night classes, which I’d hate.

Today I come in and my boss gives me this talk about how he really wants to retain staff, if I’m unsatisfied about anything in my role to let him know, etc. etc. Made me feel really bad about my future plans!

I know that it isn’t my responsibility to hold things together here, especially for such little pay, and I have to do what’s best for me and my future! Could just use some encouragement or stories from others to help me feel less bad about it lol. Thx

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