
Lost all hope in IT companies, are they all the same ?

Hi all, I'm posting today because I'm feeling lost. I work in the IT field in Belgium and I'm only 30 years old, but I already feel disillusioned about my work. I used to love IT and enjoy my job, but after working for some companies, I feel like everything is deceptive. People only seem to care about meeting unrealistic deadlines and delivering, even if the product doesn't work properly, and it makes me sick because I value creating high-quality products. It feels like work is all about relationships – if you're friends with the boss, you get promoted even if you don't contribute much. My coworkers and I have been deceived by the HR department, with promotions being denied and some colleagues being fired recently, and everybody acts like it was normal. I'm getting tired of the LinkedIn culture, where companies appear to care about their products and their…

Hi all,

I'm posting today because I'm feeling lost. I work in the IT field in Belgium and I'm only 30 years old, but I already feel disillusioned about my work. I used to love IT and enjoy my job, but after working for some companies, I feel like everything is deceptive. People only seem to care about meeting unrealistic deadlines and delivering, even if the product doesn't work properly, and it makes me sick because I value creating high-quality products. It feels like work is all about relationships – if you're friends with the boss, you get promoted even if you don't contribute much. My coworkers and I have been deceived by the HR department, with promotions being denied and some colleagues being fired recently, and everybody acts like it was normal.

I'm getting tired of the LinkedIn culture, where companies appear to care about their products and their employees' well-being, but in reality, they don't care at all. This situation has left me feeling depressed because I want to find another job, and fortunately, it's relatively easy to do so in IT, but I fear that all companies are the same. I've completely lost confidence in companies in general. I wish I could find a company that genuinely cares about what they do and strives to do things right, but it feels like such a company doesn't even exist. So here I am, at 30 years old, feeling like I'll always have to do things that make me sad. I just can't understand it because if I were a boss, I'd be thrilled to have employees who truly care about their work. Unfortunately, it seems like this is a “general rule.” Even my friends who work in other fields share the same sentiment.

Does anyone else feel the same way ? Have you found a company that genuinely cares ? Does such a company even exist ? What did you do, or what would you do ? It may sound dramatic, but honestly, I've lost hope.

Thanks for reading. 🙂

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