
Lost and dismayed.

I’m confused…. Genuinely. I’ve done EVERYTHING people said to do. Get good grades, go to college, graduate with a bachelors, paid off my bachelors, got my masters in cybersecurity, continuing education, and more. I got a job making 65k a year working in IT, thinking ‘hey! This is enough for sure right? I can pay off necessities, and still be able to love right?’ Wrong. Every penny, every dollar that I make, if not being taken from the government, is sent to bills. Rent, car insurance, credit card bills, credit card debt, student loans, etc. And after all of this what am I left with? Choosing to either save money and go into debt or pay off my credit cards and go into debt. I WISH I could go out and enjoy my life, but I can’t. I have nothing to enjoy, or no funds to enjoy my life with.…

I’m confused…. Genuinely.

I’ve done EVERYTHING people said to do.

Get good grades, go to college, graduate with a bachelors, paid off my bachelors, got my masters in cybersecurity, continuing education, and more.

I got a job making 65k a year working in IT, thinking ‘hey! This is enough for sure right? I can pay off necessities, and still be able to love right?’


Every penny, every dollar that I make, if not being taken from the government, is sent to bills.

Rent, car insurance, credit card bills, credit card debt, student loans, etc.

And after all of this what am I left with?

Choosing to either save money and go into debt or pay off my credit cards and go into debt.

I WISH I could go out and enjoy my life, but I can’t. I have nothing to enjoy, or no funds to enjoy my life with.

I mean… is this what I’ve been looking forward to for all my life?

I’m just supposed to struggle until I don’t work no more and HOPE I can retire?

This doesn’t seem right. This can’t be what I dreamt the world was supposed to be.

It doesn’t help that the field I’m in ( IT, trying for cybersecurity)

IT is focused on gate keeping that in order for you to get in, you have to have experience to get the experience. But no one will give you said experience.

So let’s summarize:

Living? Can’t afford it

Jobs? Don’t pay enough

I’m not one to complain, but why? My parents always told me when they were younger they could live off $20 an hour, have an apartment, car, and live at least.

Now? It’s impossible. I’ve done everything right. Everything. And it’s like I’m being punished for even living.

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