
Lost my job, and now the director is telling my old coworkers not to be friends with me anymore.

A few weeks ago, I was fired from my job because my manager found out that I do nude modeling as a side gig and decided that wasn't “in line with company values.” A few members of my old team were on my side through the whole thing and protested my termination, but obviously, it did no good. I just got a text from one of them telling me that they've been advised not to maintain their friendships with me. Something about how it wouldn't be in their or the company's best interest. Thankfully they're not taking his warning seriously, but I'm just so pissed off. First he fires me over something that has nothing to do with my job performance (over the phone, a few days after Christmas, on the first day of my vacation) and now this? Just needed to vent.

A few weeks ago, I was fired from my job because my manager found out that I do nude modeling as a side gig and decided that wasn't “in line with company values.” A few members of my old team were on my side through the whole thing and protested my termination, but obviously, it did no good.

I just got a text from one of them telling me that they've been advised not to maintain their friendships with me. Something about how it wouldn't be in their or the company's best interest.

Thankfully they're not taking his warning seriously, but I'm just so pissed off. First he fires me over something that has nothing to do with my job performance (over the phone, a few days after Christmas, on the first day of my vacation) and now this? Just needed to vent.

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