
Lots of USA jobs have this exact paragraph in their new employer paperwork

I took this out of a MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT, which is for customers of the place that rhymes with Curb'n Snare Every Right to Work state company requires new employees to sign a bunch of waivers, including on that generally includes signing away your own personal image, (lots of personal data too) IN PERPETUITY. I don't care how much a job pays or what the benefits are, if you have to sign off your consumer rights to your personal data so they can use it for advertising (the company or the job at the company) determining marketing stretegies, etc, that's ownership of your digital life that you are being asked to give up in order to put a roof over your head, gas in your car, and food in your belly. This kind of bs is why net neutrality is such a big deal, we need it to help us defend…

I took this out of a MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT, which is for customers of the place that rhymes with Curb'n Snare

Every Right to Work state company requires new employees to sign a bunch of waivers, including on that generally includes signing away your own personal image, (lots of personal data too) IN PERPETUITY.

I don't care how much a job pays or what the benefits are, if you have to sign off your consumer rights to your personal data so they can use it for advertising (the company or the job at the company) determining marketing stretegies, etc, that's ownership of your digital life that you are being asked to give up in order to put a roof over your head, gas in your car, and food in your belly.

This kind of bs is why net neutrality is such a big deal, we need it to help us defend ourselves against this violation of privacy that we have to agree to in order to get a job.


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