
Love saying no to being called-in

I am a personal care aide since august 31st. Have only had a few clients within that time. Mostly a female-dominated industry I wish I hadn’t gotten into had it not been for a dumb ex’s idea. Anyway, I get called at 9am this morning, as I’m already feeling like shit, to go to a man’s house from 1-5. I had called them yesterday just to express my disdain for the lack of calls or, rather a certain preference of gender. No one chooses a guy over a gal in this business. In other words, I wasn’t called on as much became male caregivers aren’t as popular. Anytime I was willing to work, the client would flake out or the agency would say it’s not a right fit. I made a post about throat in the caregiver support subreddit a few days ago. Now they assume I’m able to make…

I am a personal care aide since august 31st. Have only had a few clients within that time. Mostly a female-dominated industry I wish I hadn’t gotten into had it not been for a dumb ex’s idea. Anyway, I get called at 9am this morning, as I’m already feeling like shit, to go to a man’s house from 1-5. I had called them yesterday just to express my disdain for the lack of calls or, rather a certain preference of gender. No one chooses a guy over a gal in this business. In other words, I wasn’t called on as much became male caregivers aren’t as popular. Anytime I was willing to work, the client would flake out or the agency would say it’s not a right fit. I made a post about throat in the caregiver support subreddit a few days ago. Now they assume I’m able to make it to some stranger’s house in 3 hours not even knowing his background. Hell I can even take care of myself nowadays. I need the money of course but I burning even at the end of the day with gas and other factors. I haven’t even eaten breakfast myself, why the fuck would I do it for a complete stranger last minute? They couldn’t give me more notice? This occupation is not consistent and I feel like my time has been wasted. I’m having trouble again finding a second gig to balance this all out and perhaps contemplate quitting this shit. Supposed to be fingerprinted tomorrow for this agency. I did their shitty classes in august. And since then I’ve only made a few hundred dollars which I’ve burned through toward bills and crap. I should have never bothered. Meanwhile we have 70 year olds normalizing work til death.

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