
Low stress jobs for someone who hates working?

I'm kinda in a pickle here folks. I'm living the dream right now, I (21M) haven't worked for 3 months since I dropped out of college after deciding that writing software to make other people money probably wouldn't lead to a fulfilling life for me. I've been focused on my mental health, a slow process that will probably take a lifetime to complete. The thought of working makes me want to puke, both literally (anxiety is a bitch) and metaphorically. So I've got these things called student loans (3 years of college worth) coming to cash in on my soul soon. My dad understandably wants to not have to work another 10 years to support my sorry ass. On one hand, dad your an idiot for having kids, but on the other I love my parents and I want them to be free of the burden that is me. I…

I'm kinda in a pickle here folks. I'm living the dream right now, I (21M) haven't worked for 3 months since I dropped out of college after deciding that writing software to make other people money probably wouldn't lead to a fulfilling life for me. I've been focused on my mental health, a slow process that will probably take a lifetime to complete. The thought of working makes me want to puke, both literally (anxiety is a bitch) and metaphorically.

So I've got these things called student loans (3 years of college worth) coming to cash in on my soul soon. My dad understandably wants to not have to work another 10 years to support my sorry ass. On one hand, dad your an idiot for having kids, but on the other I love my parents and I want them to be free of the burden that is me. I need money… but hell if I'm going to flip burgers or let anyone think they have authority over me again. Tried that and hated it. The only person who has power over me in my life is me. Period. I'll sooner go broke, kicked out of my house, and get killed in some street back alley than compromise that.

I just want to take it easy and not work too hard at anything. I want autonomy and control over my own life. Is that too much to ask for folks?

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