
Lowest ranking employee doing 2 idiot bosses jobs

My company recently went through a reorg and ruined our extremely well running team. Not only did they get rid of 2 of 5 people, but they replaced the 2 spots with untrained idiots. I work in biopharma in compliance, everything we do is tracked in a software where it shows who has the record and what stage in the process it's in. Well my new director doesn't seem to have eyes, brains, or access to the software as I have been getting more idiotic teams messages and emails. For example, today I got an email asking the status of a review. If she looked at the software, it would have shown her: 1. It's out of QA control; 2. It's still in investigation stage; 3. This was already communicated via email the night before. My other boss is so technically lacking she calls me when she doesn't know how…

My company recently went through a reorg and ruined our extremely well running team. Not only did they get rid of 2 of 5 people, but they replaced the 2 spots with untrained idiots.

I work in biopharma in compliance, everything we do is tracked in a software where it shows who has the record and what stage in the process it's in. Well my new director doesn't seem to have eyes, brains, or access to the software as I have been getting more idiotic teams messages and emails.

For example, today I got an email asking the status of a review. If she looked at the software, it would have shown her: 1. It's out of QA control; 2. It's still in investigation stage; 3. This was already communicated via email the night before.

My other boss is so technically lacking she calls me when she doesn't know how to send an excel file. Or when she doesn't know how to access certain files.

I have resorted to taking screenshots of her stupidity. Meanwhile I'm drowning in enough work for 4 people and upper management is complaining about our team not meeting metrics. Also, 2 of my teammates are on vacation so it's just me. Just needed to rant.

Edit: forgot to add that I'm literally the lowest ranking in the group. I'm also doing work for another group. The group lead for that group got promoted twice in 1 year. She also doesn't know what the heck she's doing

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