
LPT:Your boss can see if you’ve updated your resume on Indeed

I was speaking to the owner of my company (where I am a department manager) and he commented that one of my employees was looking for a new job. He continued to say that he had an alert pop up that an employee who works at our company had updated his resume and was applying to jobs. Confused, I asked how he found this information out. He said that he gets alerts when people who have applied through Indeed make changes to their account. I found this deeply disturbing since the owner can be quite the narcissist and realized that when it's my time to make a change, I won't be able to use the standard sites for job searches. I was completely unaware that company accounts get this type of information and am assuming most folks aren't either.

I was speaking to the owner of my company (where I am a department manager) and he commented that one of my employees was looking for a new job. He continued to say that he had an alert pop up that an employee who works at our company had updated his resume and was applying to jobs. Confused, I asked how he found this information out. He said that he gets alerts when people who have applied through Indeed make changes to their account. I found this deeply disturbing since the owner can be quite the narcissist and realized that when it's my time to make a change, I won't be able to use the standard sites for job searches. I was completely unaware that company accounts get this type of information and am assuming most folks aren't either.

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