
Lucky in an unlucky way

When I was in my 20s I worked in a medical setting. One day I pulled a chart for for a medical screen, recognized the name, and told my supervisor I couldn't screen them because I knew them outside of work, and that was against the rules. They said we were too busy to follow that and told me to call them in any way. I told them there was a personal conflict and I could not do it. They called them in for me and told me to do my job. I did the medical screening, then I went to the bathroom and stayed there for an hour. When they came to find me I told them I had to leave, and left without letting them say anything. I went directly to my psychiatrist's office and told them what happened, and explained to him that it was my cousin…

When I was in my 20s I worked in a medical setting. One day I pulled a chart for for a medical screen, recognized the name, and told my supervisor I couldn't screen them because I knew them outside of work, and that was against the rules. They said we were too busy to follow that and told me to call them in any way. I told them there was a personal conflict and I could not do it. They called them in for me and told me to do my job.

I did the medical screening, then I went to the bathroom and stayed there for an hour. When they came to find me I told them I had to leave, and left without letting them say anything. I went directly to my psychiatrist's office and told them what happened, and explained to him that it was my cousin who sexually assaulted me when I was 3.

I basically stayed having a mental breakdown at that point that led to being admitted to the hospital. Once I was released by my doctor filed for short-term, then long-term disability with my employer for me. He also started the process of a Social Security Disability claim. within 5 months, it was approved.

I was 24 and that was 13 years ago. In 2017 I started working part-time while collecting disability. That lasted for two years. I had a string of jobs that were decent jobs, but I never stayed long. I haven't worked at all since 2021.

Sometimes I feel like a piece of shit because I don't work. I feel like I am a worthless member of society and I contribute nothing. My on-again, off-again boyfriend (attorney, do not live together) will make comments about me needing to work, being low functioning, or that all my problems could e solved if I stopped wallowing in self-pity and got a job.

I live a very poor life. But I feel almost blessed to have the disability and not be chained to a desk or a job. I do realize I have no future, no retirement, basically no job skills. Part of me feels like my boyfriend, my brother, and other people who make comments about me being on disability are mad that they have to work and I don't.

Reading some of these anti-work posts makes me feel better, so thank you.

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