
Lunch Break!

Today was denied my lunch break cause it was only going to be two of us (another worker plus I) yet I worked 8 hours. Typical 9-5 but I don’t get hungry till 2/3 nd for sure nobody else is going to tell me when to eat, I suffered eating disorders in the past. Going to the owner who will then get onto the girl who’s “management” will only make my shift(s) difficult. Like even today after I asked for a lunch break and was denied, it was awkward & quiet. She’s the type to make you uncomfortable if she’s upset at you nd for damn sure if I complain about not getting a lunch break she’s gonna be a type of way. I have medical issues that range from anxiety, Ibs, gerd, even fucking hemorrhoids are something I deal with, which feels like it stems from me holding in…

Today was denied my lunch break cause it was only going to be two of us (another worker plus I) yet I worked 8 hours.
Typical 9-5 but I don’t get hungry till 2/3 nd for sure nobody else is going to tell me when to eat, I suffered eating disorders in the past.
Going to the owner who will then get onto the girl who’s “management” will only make my shift(s) difficult. Like even today after I asked for a lunch break and was denied, it was awkward & quiet. She’s the type to make you uncomfortable if she’s upset at you nd for damn sure if I complain about not getting a lunch break she’s gonna be a type of way.
I have medical issues that range from anxiety, Ibs, gerd, even fucking hemorrhoids are something I deal with, which feels like it stems from me holding in my bathroom breaks cause “I take too many”, feels like my eating disorder is coming back to the point I don’t even eat the whole day and have to work and do it again the next day.
I’m all for finding a new job since I’ll be going back to school come January , but being at this place any longer makes me feel like I’m going to mess with my health even more, nd I don’t even have insurance.
Just hate how the simple thing is “tell your manager” when it’s been brought up BEFORE but yet still seems to happen.

Don’t know if this info helps but I can’t help but feel like they might be even messing with me?
A sister of mine did work at the same place and was the manager before she left, she was the owners favorite but she kinda left out of the blue because of… the new people who became management of the place now. I can’t prove it but for example I had a 2 day off schedule which sister brought it up how that’s how she had me nd works best for me so if I could keep that after she left.
They ended up scheduling me 1 day off only and it was a “mistake! Haha sorry, we were busy last week it must’ve slipped our mind. Which they knew I have some medical problems rn but it just seems to look that way.
Placed is so messed up they’re hiring new people giving them shift lead and management roles with $15 pay plus overtime, besides asking me nd others who have been there a little longer than those.

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