
Luxury services warrant minimum wage? (A rant)

Today I had the pleasue of hearing yet another old fuck complain about how no one wants to work anymore. I was working, so I really shouldn't have engaged but you know what, if I gotta hear your uniformed and unsolicited generalizations then you're gonna get corrected! It's astounding how so many people don't understand why businesses are having a hard time finding employees. These jobs simply don't pay enough! Yes, the pay per hour may be higher than it was 10 years ago, but it was worth a whole lot more then, too! Therefore, many people are improving their skill sets and taking advantage of higher paying job opportunities. We need to just to survive. $15 was an EXCELLENT wage just 5 years ago. You could live pretty comfortably as a single person with no kids. Today? That's straight up shit pay compared to ever rising COL. The real…

Today I had the pleasue of hearing yet another old fuck complain about how no one wants to work anymore.

I was working, so I really shouldn't have engaged but you know what, if I gotta hear your uniformed and unsolicited generalizations then you're gonna get corrected!

It's astounding how so many people don't understand why businesses are having a hard time finding employees. These jobs simply don't pay enough! Yes, the pay per hour may be higher than it was 10 years ago, but it was worth a whole lot more then, too! Therefore, many people are improving their skill sets and taking advantage of higher paying job opportunities. We need to just to survive. $15 was an EXCELLENT wage just 5 years ago. You could live pretty comfortably as a single person with no kids. Today? That's straight up shit pay compared to ever rising COL.

The real kicker is when these same people say that jobs that are typically minimum wage aren't worth being paid whatever would be considered a livable wage. Why in the ever loving fuck would someone work a job that can't support them? Why do you expect someone to work a job that you straight up don't even respect enough to deem worthy of a LIVING wage?

I encourage everyone to leave minimum wage jobs behind as soon as possible. Perhaps if we stop taking crumbs, the businesses that exploit their workers will collapse and all the more wealth to go around to businesses that are worth working for. You can't complain that no one is there to make your coffee when you also don't want to pay them enough to buy a fucking cup every day without it hurting their wallet.

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