
Made 20% of what I thought I would die to employer incompetence.

I was searching for a summer job, and applied to a carpentry position slated to run from mid-May to mid-July with an advertised pay range of $25-28 per hour and a 40 hour work week. I applied, was interviewed, and got accepted after sending in an application with $26.50/hour as my requested wage. Then the bullshit starts. First, my boss is opaque about my actual start date, continuously pushing the date. In Early June, she asks me if I know how to paint, which I do, and then tells me to come in Monday. This is where bullshit number two comes in. At the end of Monday, I notice my wage has been reduced to $22/hour without any notice. I inquired about this, and was informed since is was hired as a painter, I will earn less. I was supposed to understand all of this from the question “do you…

I was searching for a summer job, and applied to a carpentry position slated to run from mid-May to mid-July with an advertised pay range of $25-28 per hour and a 40 hour work week. I applied, was interviewed, and got accepted after sending in an application with $26.50/hour as my requested wage.

Then the bullshit starts. First, my boss is opaque about my actual start date, continuously pushing the date. In Early June, she asks me if I know how to paint, which I do, and then tells me to come in Monday.

This is where bullshit number two comes in. At the end of Monday, I notice my wage has been reduced to $22/hour without any notice. I inquired about this, and was informed since is was hired as a painter, I will earn less. I was supposed to understand all of this from the question “do you know how to paint.”

I also find out that the workweek is more like 35 hours instead of 40.

After a few weeks of work, I lost my grandfather. When I informed my employer that I would not be able to make work on Monday due to the funeral, she responded that was fine since I wasn’t needed back for another three weeks. I checked to employee group chat; there was no mention of this. She waited another day before telling everyone else.

A few days before I am slated to return, she delays by yet another week.

I finally return to work, and everything continues as normal. I send in my two week’s notice, but get no reply. Instead, I am told by my coworker that since there isn’t actually more work for me to do after the end of the week, I could just stop working then. I didn’t ever get any communication from my actual employer about the end of my work.

Now, I don’t believe any of this to be out of malice. My employer gave us breaks and allowed us to take time off whenever needed. However, I have ADHD, and my employer was less put together and competent than I am. All in all, I ended up making about a fifth of what I predicted I would this summer, greatly screwing over my plans for the next couple of years, and necessitating that I both massively cut spending and take more part time hours during the school year. To say I am pissed is an understatement.

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