
Made redundant for the second time this year

Don't really care, not heartbroken about the job. Not interesred in work but fully aware i need to do it, honestly just want to know if anyone has any suggestions for the least taxing (energy wise) jobs that pay the best Just want to clock in clock out and do the bare minimum to be able to do what I want in my own time, I worked in a warehouse for a while, it had a lot of problems but it allowed me to stick my headphones in and get through audio books and podcasts like crazy Any ideas?

Don't really care, not heartbroken about the job. Not interesred in work but fully aware i need to do it, honestly just want to know if anyone has any suggestions for the least taxing (energy wise) jobs that pay the best

Just want to clock in clock out and do the bare minimum to be able to do what I want in my own time, I worked in a warehouse for a while, it had a lot of problems but it allowed me to stick my headphones in and get through audio books and podcasts like crazy

Any ideas?

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