
Major pay discrepancy. Need advice

Hi, I’m not sure if this subreddit could help me with this but I’m unsure where else to post it. I work in a small allied health department in a hospital. A girl was just brought in to fill a full time shift from another department that they pretty much fired her from because she wasn’t catching on quickly enough. She told me completely unprompted yesterday that she is making significantly more money than I do. I have more experience in this modality than she does and I’m shocked she’s making so much because when I was hired HR refused to negotiate with me at all because they didn’t want me to make more than people who have been there longer (these people have all quit at this point). I’m going to confront my manager about this today, I’m wondering if anyone knows if I can face any sort of…

Hi, I’m not sure if this subreddit could help me with this but I’m unsure where else to post it. I work in a small allied health department in a hospital. A girl was just brought in to fill a full time shift from another department that they pretty much fired her from because she wasn’t catching on quickly enough. She told me completely unprompted yesterday that she is making significantly more money than I do. I have more experience in this modality than she does and I’m shocked she’s making so much because when I was hired HR refused to negotiate with me at all because they didn’t want me to make more than people who have been there longer (these people have all quit at this point). I’m going to confront my manager about this today, I’m wondering if anyone knows if I can face any sort of repercussions from HR over this? I’m looking for a new job anyway but I’m afraid they will fire me before I can quit

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