
Make sure you’re availing yourself of ALL the things your work has to offer

It's that time of year when those with benefits are often seeing them roll over (or not) to the next year. Make sure you're using those up, people! If you have good insurance and an affordable copay, get to the dentist, refill your meds, book yourself into a meeting, but go to the massage therapist instead. Regardless of whether you have benefits, make sure you take advantage of your employer's other offerings. Have a shower at work? Shower there and lower your water bill. Do they offer coffee or snacks regularly or now and then? Fill a thermos and take some home. Heck, maybe you should replace your box of tissues a few sheets early, just so you don't run out. Put those remaining kleenex in your purse, just so you have some with you. Remember, only YOU can make sure your employer is providing you with as much as…

It's that time of year when those with benefits are often seeing them roll over (or not) to the next year. Make sure you're using those up, people! If you have good insurance and an affordable copay, get to the dentist, refill your meds, book yourself into a meeting, but go to the massage therapist instead.

Regardless of whether you have benefits, make sure you take advantage of your employer's other offerings. Have a shower at work? Shower there and lower your water bill. Do they offer coffee or snacks regularly or now and then? Fill a thermos and take some home. Heck, maybe you should replace your box of tissues a few sheets early, just so you don't run out. Put those remaining kleenex in your purse, just so you have some with you.

Remember, only YOU can make sure your employer is providing you with as much as possible.

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