
Make time slow down please!

I got a new job in October. I like it, 9-5 mon- fri boss is flexible with appointments, there are complaints I have about him but I can stay here fine. The problem is, time is just slipping away behind me. I blink & the week has gone by. I feel like I'm just rushing towards the end if my life. I've had 9-5 jobs & they didn't make time go this fast. Between this & parental responsibilities if I want to take any time for myself, the housecleaning suffers. I just want time to slow down! I want to be able to get stuff done, actually enjoy my time off but I can't.

I got a new job in October. I like it, 9-5 mon- fri boss is flexible with appointments, there are complaints I have about him but I can stay here fine.

The problem is, time is just slipping away behind me. I blink & the week has gone by. I feel like I'm just rushing towards the end if my life. I've had 9-5 jobs & they didn't make time go this fast. Between this & parental responsibilities if I want to take any time for myself, the housecleaning suffers.

I just want time to slow down! I want to be able to get stuff done, actually enjoy my time off but I can't.

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