
Making a living with disabilities, this country is going to hell in a hand basket

It’s all just a bit… fucked isn’t it? The way the US runs? Job fields run? The way schools run? The lack of justice and the power flexing of authority above you? It makes me sick. The government failed me at a young age. I reported abuse at home and improper homeschooling(there was no education) multiple times as a teenager, just to be told ‘we get it teens are rebellious, listen to your mother’. I failed high-school due to this, fled home at 18, and have been working in the food service industry(barista) since. Not making enough to save, couch surfing and renting from friends to make ends meet. And you know, growing up in an environment like that often leads to things like poor mental health-which of course therapy isn’t affordable. There is no upper growth in food service. I started at 7.50/hr and was paid a whopping 14/hr…

It’s all just a bit… fucked isn’t it? The way the US runs? Job fields run? The way schools run? The lack of justice and the power flexing of authority above you? It makes me sick.

The government failed me at a young age. I reported abuse at home and improper homeschooling(there was no education) multiple times as a teenager, just to be told ‘we get it teens are rebellious, listen to your mother’.

I failed high-school due to this, fled home at 18, and have been working in the food service industry(barista) since. Not making enough to save, couch surfing and renting from friends to make ends meet. And you know, growing up in an environment like that often leads to things like poor mental health-which of course therapy isn’t affordable.

There is no upper growth in food service. I started at 7.50/hr and was paid a whopping 14/hr at my last job. ‘Ooh 10 years of experience as a barista? Hm, how’s an extra $0.15? Maybe another $.25 in 2 years?’ It’s crap.

I went back and earned my diploma. I tried to get into bartending (pay was not much better, working conditions were awful). I got fired because I had a non-elective surgery (disclosed and approved in interview) during a week where 3 people quit. 6 months after being there.

When that failed, I decided to live with my sister and take my small inheritance and go to college finally. But- college does not care. It’s another money pit. Professors? Often unprofessional , unfriendly, and it’s catch up or get left in the dust. They expect you had a high-school education. You didn’t? Must be your fault for not applying yourself then. Getting an email back from a teacher let alone a kind one feels impossible. They don’t care too much if you learn, just that money comes in.

So now I’m here, with a bag full of disabilities. I can’t work 40 hours a week, sometimes I’m in the hospital for 3 days straight. I won’t go into detail, but I basically need a remote job that is flexible. That requires sifting through 400 scam posts on indeed. My mental health is very poor, I’m struggling in all my college classes… and that savings is barely enough to throw some bread in the toaster. I’ll have to go back to food service here soon.

Even if I get a degree, 20-80k in debt? Make what, 45k a year? Be like my friends working at Starbucks with a degree that threw them in debt? What is…the fucking point?

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