
Management doesn’t care about you

Thats it. That's the post. Managers don't give a single fuck as to what you're going through, they make excuses for the toxicity and gaslight valid concerns. They allow shitty employees to stay because they're “senior staff” and lose the only employees who seem to care. If jobs weren't so fucking hard to come by, I would have left months ago. Now my mental health is suffering because I can't find anything else. It's a wonderful time.

Thats it. That's the post. Managers don't give a single fuck as to what you're going through, they make excuses for the toxicity and gaslight valid concerns. They allow shitty employees to stay because they're “senior staff” and lose the only employees who seem to care. If jobs weren't so fucking hard to come by, I would have left months ago.

Now my mental health is suffering because I can't find anything else.

It's a wonderful time.

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