
Management guilting staff for spills and accidental food wastage

As of the end of July of this year, the workplace has started posting monthly “Stat Updates”. These stat updates include how much money management is spending on curtain products frequently wasted by staff. Sounds reasonable but it isn’t really a big deal at all, as not much is ever actually wasted. However whenever they post the top wasted products there is always a jab at the workers that handle these food produces (example, chicken nuggets in kitchen are a big one. The kitchen is small and in peak rush a few get dropped). In these posts, management always say in response to these what staff need to do to stop this from happening and “don’t be so clumsy”, but never give a detailed description to properly stop it from happening. Since starting these monthly stat update posts they’ve been paying more and more for stock and product. in response…

As of the end of July of this year, the workplace has started posting monthly “Stat Updates”. These stat updates include how much money management is spending on curtain products frequently wasted by staff.
Sounds reasonable but it isn’t really a big deal at all, as not much is ever actually wasted. However whenever they post the top wasted products there is always a jab at the workers that handle these food produces (example, chicken nuggets in kitchen are a big one. The kitchen is small and in peak rush a few get dropped).
In these posts, management always say in response to these what staff need to do to stop this from happening and “don’t be so clumsy”, but never give a detailed description to properly stop it from happening.
Since starting these monthly stat update posts they’ve been paying more and more for stock and product. in response to paying more they’re saying stuff along the lines of, “if we work on not wasting so much we can afford to put more staff on to work”
Most of our staff are underage, and we’re short staffed, however instead of management working towards saving money for stock and product or even towards new staff, they spend the money on things like “upgrading the building” and leaving staff responsible for money spent on stock and product.

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