
Management Nightmare (Rant)

So I work as a supervisor at a large grocery store chain in California and have been here for almost 10 years. I’ve never loved it but it was always alright and I had some really good managers along the way. But recently we got a new store manager and assistant manager and boy oh boy has shit gone downhill since then. First of all, they can’t write a schedule to save their lives, they never schedule enough people to cover lunches and breaks and they’ll give people the day off without telling anyone or communicating with each other. So I’ll show up for a mid shift and it turns out we had no opener because someone said they could take the day off but they didn’t get it covered. And then they will start to blame each other and take no responsibility for their actions. It’s like pulling hair…

So I work as a supervisor at a large grocery store chain in California and have been here for almost 10 years. I’ve never loved it but it was always alright and I had some really good managers along the way. But recently we got a new store manager and assistant manager and boy oh boy has shit gone downhill since then. First of all, they can’t write a schedule to save their lives, they never schedule enough people to cover lunches and breaks and they’ll give people the day off without telling anyone or communicating with each other. So I’ll show up for a mid shift and it turns out we had no opener because someone said they could take the day off but they didn’t get it covered. And then they will start to blame each other and take no responsibility for their actions. It’s like pulling hair trying to get them to communicate important things with us supervisors who run the front. Also our store manager picks on certain employees that she doesn’t like until they eventually transfer or quit. And the store manager stresses out the assistant manager who then proceeds to take it out on the floor workers. It’s been literal hell working here since they started and I’m in the process of interviewing for a new job so hopefully I won’t be here for too much longer but I just had to let some of this out cuz it’s been just awful. Thanks for reading!

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