
Management wants ideas and suggestions on how to help support me after they lied to me for years.

I had a meeting with my manager and director two weeks ago because I sent my manager an email asking for clarification. Management has been leading me on in emails and text messages promising they were going to move me off graveyard shift and into daytime management position. Something always came up and they would push it out and ask me to wait an additional six months and then they will move/promote me. I've been pushed off four times now. I simply asked my manager for clarification on the new date and if they anticipate the date being pushed back again. After I sent the email I was forced into a meeting with management. They let me know they were unhappy with me questioning them and how it was unprofessional to ask such questions of management. They told me they never had any intention of moving me off graveyard shift…

I had a meeting with my manager and director two weeks ago because I sent my manager an email asking for clarification. Management has been leading me on in emails and text messages promising they were going to move me off graveyard shift and into daytime management position. Something always came up and they would push it out and ask me to wait an additional six months and then they will move/promote me. I've been pushed off four times now. I simply asked my manager for clarification on the new date and if they anticipate the date being pushed back again.

After I sent the email I was forced into a meeting with management. They let me know they were unhappy with me questioning them and how it was unprofessional to ask such questions of management. They told me they never had any intention of moving me off graveyard shift now or in the future. They will not consider me for any management role now or in the future. I'm also not allowed to apply for other roles outside of my department. Management feels I'm exactly where I need to be and they know what's best for me and the department. They also said later on that my role is extremely difficult and they wouldn't be able to find someone to fill my role if I were to go anywhere else or move up in the ranks. I asked about a pay increase because I found out new employees with zero experience are making more than me. Management said they can't/won't increase my pay because if they did it for me, they would have to do it for everyone else.

At the end of the meeting they mentioned wanting to have a follow up meeting where I come back with ideas or suggestions on ways they can help me feel supported in my current role. I told them at the time I was not interested in having this meeting. I honestly hoped they would let me rot in peace until I found a new job, but no such luck. Now management wants to have a follow up meeting this Wednesday. What's the actual purpose of this meeting? They made it very clear I have no future there. Management is happy to let me rot in an underpaid position. I'm just killing time there until I find a new job. . What are some suggestions or ideas I can use in this meeting?

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