
Manager asked me to postpone my vacation so i wouldn’t miss a meeting

I laughed out a “no”. For context I work for a US branch of a korean company and I'm the only native english speaker on my team, which means I'm usually the one presenting in meetings. My manager, while being a nice and mostly understanding and patient guy, is also a whipped company man. He will always avoid rocking the boat if possible, often at his own expense, sometimes at others. I really hate having to advocate for myself at every turn, always being ready to fight for basic shit. How is that the first place your mind goes, rather than canceling or postponing the meeting? Like I don't blame him for doing what he does, he's probably scared for his job, his job also means his visa which puts his family and livelihood in danger. I do wonder how he'd feel about unionizing. UPS workers will soon make double…

I laughed out a “no”.

For context I work for a US branch of a korean company and I'm the only native english speaker on my team, which means I'm usually the one presenting in meetings. My manager, while being a nice and mostly understanding and patient guy, is also a whipped company man. He will always avoid rocking the boat if possible, often at his own expense, sometimes at others.

I really hate having to advocate for myself at every turn, always being ready to fight for basic shit. How is that the first place your mind goes, rather than canceling or postponing the meeting? Like I don't blame him for doing what he does, he's probably scared for his job, his job also means his visa which puts his family and livelihood in danger.

I do wonder how he'd feel about unionizing. UPS workers will soon make double what I do with 7 years of college and 4 years of experience as an engineer in the tech industry, I think it's time we get our cut.

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