
manager at my restaurant is consistently scheduling me one day a week; i need money, i’m stressed out. don’t know what to do, help

hi all, im 20f, i’ve been working at this restaurant since june of 2022. recently there has been an awful lot of chaos at my restaurant because my general manager and one of the assistant managers are looking to be fired. a lot of my coworkers have been fired or there’s been drama. i’ve never been involved with anything, never worried about losing my job as i show up, don’t complain, do my work, i’m like a literal ghost! i will make a note of saying this manager who is doing this to me is afraid of losing her job position, because our general manager has already lost his. long story short, a few people got fired and have gone to HR and filed something against our GM and this assistant manager. she goes around the restaurant now saying things to us like “if i hear one more of you…

hi all, im 20f, i’ve been working at this restaurant since june of 2022. recently there has been an awful lot of chaos at my restaurant because my general manager and one of the assistant managers are looking to be fired. a lot of my coworkers have been fired or there’s been drama. i’ve never been involved with anything, never worried about losing my job as i show up, don’t complain, do my work, i’m like a literal ghost!

i will make a note of saying this manager who is doing this to me is afraid of losing her job position, because our general manager has already lost his. long story short, a few people got fired and have gone to HR and filed something against our GM and this assistant manager. she goes around the restaurant now saying things to us like “if i hear one more of you went to HR i am fucking firing you” and stuff like that. she is definitely afraid to say the least.

but for what reason i don’t know, this manager has some kind of issue with me and my other coworkers. i genuinely don’t know why, because i swear to you guys, i have been nothing but kind. there are people i work with that have gotten into physical and verbal alterations, screaming matches and whatnot. i am genuinely friendly with everyone, and feel as though i can say i enjoy 95% of the people i work with, and have never done anything to gain the disrespect i have from this manager. i don’t know if it’s a race based thing, or more so of a age based thing because i am one of the youngest people here (other than the two coworkers how are experiencing this as well), but i feel as though i’m being somehow discriminated against by my manager, and she deliberately has a problem with me. myself, and two of my other coworkers i believe have the same issue as me, where they have been here for over a year and suddenly our scheduling/assistant manager is not scheduling any of us 3. one of these 2 coworkers told me that apparently our manager said she is “bothered and tired of us and our schedules”. this manager unfortunately has a tarnished reputation, as she is known to have a short fuse, play favorites, whatever etc.

i’m not sure what to do, because i only have a month and a half left until i leave to go back for college this year in mid august, so it really seems impossible and unreasonable to work a new job as i’d just be leaving to go back to my college town. yet, i need to gather money, as literally next week i have to go to a vacation i’ve planned with my boyfriend MONTHS ago, and i’ve been busy paying off bills for things such as college and anything on my credit card etc. this manager isn’t scheduling us, yet we regularly schedule 15 servers on friday and saturday nights.

i’m planning on discussing this with the said manager tonight, with another higher up manager present, and my other coworker that is having the same issue/feeling of discrimination. i’m coming to reddit to ask what is there i can really do? i don’t know what to do if this manager isn’t willing to work with me. please let me know.

**another note: i am planning on going along with my coworkers this upcoming tuesday to introduce myself to this new manager who will be arriving at our restaurant. this manager is apparently “the guy they send to pick up a failing restaurant off of its feet”, and will be replacing our general manager for awhile who got demoted/fired from the HR filing. our goal is to introduce ourselves and hopefully gain the chance to discuss with him this issue with our assistant manager; since he is coming here to “clean up the mess” our thought behind approaching him makes sense to see if he’d be open to hearing us out and having this issue fixed, especially if after talking to the assistant manager does not come to a solution.

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