
Manager didn’t accept my day off request

So I have been at this job since February and they seem to all like me—I get everything done correctly and quickly, have only called off unexpected twice, always show up on time, etc. I say this because some of my coworkers are seen as bad workers by management because they take frequent bathroom breaks and don’t do everything to the standard they want. One coworker was even put on suspension recently after showing up super late consistently. Now I don’t work very many days anymore now that I am back in school, only 2 days thursday and saturday, I used to do 4 or 5 but now I am focusing on class. Now my girlfriend invited me to a Halloween party on the 28th and I requested the day off on the 6th of October. My coworker who was suspended recently showed me that she requested the same Saturday…

So I have been at this job since February and they seem to all like me—I get everything done correctly and quickly, have only called off unexpected twice, always show up on time, etc. I say this because some of my coworkers are seen as bad workers by management because they take frequent bathroom breaks and don’t do everything to the standard they want. One coworker was even put on suspension recently after showing up super late consistently.

Now I don’t work very many days anymore now that I am back in school, only 2 days thursday and saturday, I used to do 4 or 5 but now I am focusing on class. Now my girlfriend invited me to a Halloween party on the 28th and I requested the day off on the 6th of October. My coworker who was suspended recently showed me that she requested the same Saturday off, but she sent it in on the 8th. Now when the new schedule came out yesterday I was surprised to see that not only did they schedule me, they scheduled me from 3-11:30pm to train a new hire. My coworker also got scheduled but got the 11am-6pm shift, meaning she can still go to her party. Then only two people are off—one person they did grant a time off request for saturday and monday and tuesday; the other person who is off works 3 other jobs and is never available to cover. They ruined my Halloween all because they don’t want someone they view as a bad employee to train the new hire. Instead of being rewarded with a better shift for being a dependable employee, I get saddled with worse shifts while the people who make other people pick up their slack get rewarded with shifts to accommodate their schedules outside of work.

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