
Manager does 10-20% of the work and takes credit for the majority of the work.

I work in a big company and earn decently (probably why I haven’t left yet), and I am in a mid-senior level role. My recent manager does the bare minimum and clearly prioritizes time with his family more than caring about the job needs(nothing wrong with that). He stops working at 3 pm, whereas I work till 7 pm every day. I am naturally ambitious and like to always learn and put my best foot forward. However, I never get the chance to present my work in big meetings, and even though my manager doesn’t like to put in the hard work, he loves the praise and glory that comes with presenting in these meetings. Heck, I am not even invited to these meetings sometimes! I am a polite person and have tried to subtly put the point across that I am displeased with this situation. However, it seems like…

I work in a big company and earn decently (probably why I haven’t left yet), and I am in a mid-senior level role. My recent manager does the bare minimum and clearly prioritizes time with his family more than caring about the job needs(nothing wrong with that). He stops working at 3 pm, whereas I work till 7 pm every day. I am naturally ambitious and like to always learn and put my best foot forward. However, I never get the chance to present my work in big meetings, and even though my manager doesn’t like to put in the hard work, he loves the praise and glory that comes with presenting in these meetings. Heck, I am not even invited to these meetings sometimes! I am a polite person and have tried to subtly put the point across that I am displeased with this situation. However, it seems like the points are not coming across. I like my job and the work I get to do, but I am so frustrated and disappointed with this situation. The matter has worsened so much that he literally touches any work that I have done, adds small things to it, and takes most of the credit. I must mention that I have a very good relationship with my boss, and the fear of ruining it is what’s holding me back from retaliating. How should I keep the relationship intact while getting full credit for my work?

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