
Manager forces us to talk about our private lives in work meetings

Sorry for long rant… For context: We got new manager 6 months ago. I guess she's trying her best, always trying to help someone even if it means to force us to talk about our personal life. I told her multiple times on our 1:1 meetings that I will NOT talk about my personal life, my feelings or anything else not related to work on work meetings. It's uncomfortable for me. On our first 1:1 meeting we had a huge fight, because she told me there's something wrong with me for not wanting to talk about my life on WORK meetings. She even had the audacity to tell me that my boyfriend must be so frustrated with me because of my attitude (I've never talked about my relationship with any of my coworkers). Story: Today we had Retrospective meeting where we talk about last two weeks of work. She started…

Sorry for long rant…

For context: We got new manager 6 months ago. I guess she's trying her best, always trying to help someone even if it means to force us to talk about our personal life. I told her multiple times on our 1:1 meetings that I will NOT talk about my personal life, my feelings or anything else not related to work on work meetings. It's uncomfortable for me. On our first 1:1 meeting we had a huge fight, because she told me there's something wrong with me for not wanting to talk about my life on WORK meetings. She even had the audacity to tell me that my boyfriend must be so frustrated with me because of my attitude (I've never talked about my relationship with any of my coworkers).

Story: Today we had Retrospective meeting where we talk about last two weeks of work. She started the meeting with question “What weather are you according to your mood?” and FORCED everyone to answer. Multiple people told her they are in a bad mood.
Then we were again forced to talk one by one about our mood and feelings. Previous manager never forced anyone to talk about this because she understood that not everyone is comfortable with it. One coworker tried to explain to manager that her methods are wrong and she won't achieve anything but contempt from us. Manager ignored it and continue to force people one by one to talk about their personal stuff…
Then she asked me to talk… I told her that I refuse to participate in this because I told her multiple times I'm not comfortable with this approach. Also I told her that I hate when people are forced to talk when they have nothing relevant to say. We are adults, we will speak if we have something to tell… Of course, she wasn't happy. She told me that I will have private talk with our main manager because of my inappropriate behavior…

Any advice what I should do?

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