
Manager has not read my resignation email

Hi everyone! I was employed at a retail store on a casual basis in April. However, I have not been rostered for 4 months (since June). During this time I've found another job more related to the degree I am studying. Over time, I've completely forgotten the availability days I've put down as they require staff to do so one month in advance and I have been so overwhelmed with my other 2 jobs and exams and assignments. Recently, I randomly decided to check my roster and it turns out I have been rostered to work tomorrow (Saturday). I immediately sent a resignation to my manager over email effective immediately, yet I have not received a response and it has been over three days. Now I am wondering if I should still show up for my shift and if I don't, what should I say when they contact me?

Hi everyone! I was employed at a retail store on a casual basis in April. However, I have not been rostered for 4 months (since June). During this time I've found another job more related to the degree I am studying. Over time, I've completely forgotten the availability days I've put down as they require staff to do so one month in advance and I have been so overwhelmed with my other 2 jobs and exams and assignments. Recently, I randomly decided to check my roster and it turns out I have been rostered to work tomorrow (Saturday). I immediately sent a resignation to my manager over email effective immediately, yet I have not received a response and it has been over three days. Now I am wondering if I should still show up for my shift and if I don't, what should I say when they contact me?

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