
Manager/HR calling employees slurs.

Hello!! I just created a reddit account because I need to ask this question and maybe get some advice. I just began work at a fast food establishment 3 days ago and already, each day, I've seen the top manager call employees slurs including the r word (this has mainly been directed towards the employees who are poc). He's been creating an overall tense environment whenever he comes into the kitchen and it's making me feel on edge. Some of the employees have privately told me not to worry about him, that he calls everyone names and that he's high-strung. The reason I am here is because he informed me that he is also HR— so in this scenario… It seems like I don't have anyone to report to? What should I do? Should I just quit before it worsens? Or is there something else I can do?? He is…

Hello!! I just created a reddit account because I need to ask this question and maybe get some advice.

I just began work at a fast food establishment 3 days ago and already, each day, I've seen the top manager call employees slurs including the r word (this has mainly been directed towards the employees who are poc). He's been creating an overall tense environment whenever he comes into the kitchen and it's making me feel on edge. Some of the employees have privately told me not to worry about him, that he calls everyone names and that he's high-strung.

The reason I am here is because he informed me that he is also HR— so in this scenario… It seems like I don't have anyone to report to? What should I do? Should I just quit before it worsens? Or is there something else I can do?? He is very intimidating since I'm in my early twenties and he's an older man in authority, so I don't really wish to confront him on this.

Thank you in advance

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