
Manager isn’t happy that i’m taking PTO to visit my dying grandpa

My grandpa who I grew up with and I am very close to had fallen sick and is dying. I requested an urgent PTO (total PTO requested was still well within my entitlement), as I wanted to go and visit my grandpa. So I texted my manager, and their reply sounded like they were unhappy and something along the line of my request being last minute. How would I be able to know when my grandpa is going to fall sick and planning on dying? It was an urgent request as my grandpa's health condition is dropping really quickly, a few weeks ago he was still in good health. Besides, we were not on any deadlines and I also see other colleagues who would sometimes take urgent PTOs, so it is definitely not something new in the company. I also offered to work remotely from my grandpa's home (my work…

My grandpa who I grew up with and I am very close to had fallen sick and is dying. I requested an urgent PTO (total PTO requested was still well within my entitlement), as I wanted to go and visit my grandpa.

So I texted my manager, and their reply sounded like they were unhappy and something along the line of my request being last minute. How would I be able to know when my grandpa is going to fall sick and planning on dying? It was an urgent request as my grandpa's health condition is dropping really quickly, a few weeks ago he was still in good health. Besides, we were not on any deadlines and I also see other colleagues who would sometimes take urgent PTOs, so it is definitely not something new in the company.

I also offered to work remotely from my grandpa's home (my work is something that can be done remotely) but the company only allows a certain number of days to work remotely. It is not enough and thus, the remaining days I needed to take PTO.

In the end, I got approved for the PTO, but I am still annoyed with the response I get when my grandpa is literally dying.

Thanks for listening. I just wanted to rant.

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