
Manager makes *super* inappropriate joke

Hey guys I've never posted here as I thought I had a really nice job. I work for a local company that has no HR. The general manager is co-owner and is really nice guy. The facilities director however (under the GM and above me) is a narcissistic, gaslighting douche. He comes up with ideas about what to do with the facility and when we voice our logical opinions he says we're wrong. Then when we do what he says and it doesn't work out he never admits to it, but dogs us for “not doing it the right way”. He is never wrong and is always, ALWAYS, talking behind everyone's back. Anyways, he came into the shop when I was by myself and working. He struck up a conversation about a movie with Mathew McConaughey (I forget the movie). Apparently the character that he played was always trying to…

Hey guys I've never posted here as I thought I had a really nice job. I work for a local company that has no HR. The general manager is co-owner and is really nice guy.

The facilities director however (under the GM and above me) is a narcissistic, gaslighting douche. He comes up with ideas about what to do with the facility and when we voice our logical opinions he says we're wrong. Then when we do what he says and it doesn't work out he never admits to it, but dogs us for “not doing it the right way”. He is never wrong and is always, ALWAYS, talking behind everyone's back.

Anyways, he came into the shop when I was by myself and working. He struck up a conversation about a movie with Mathew McConaughey (I forget the movie). Apparently the character that he played was always trying to have sex with high schoolers and he commented something to the effect of “Things aren't like the good ole days”. I didn't know what to say other that “Oh I'll have to watch the movie”. Because what the fuck else do I say?

Then he just randomly says “I've heard you like to touch kids” and laughs like it's the funniest fucking joke in the world.

I've been to prison when I was 18. I grew up poor. There are things that will absolutely get your fucking teeth knocked out by getting curb stomped and this is one of them. Against my natural instinct, I looked him in the eyes and said “Well I hope I haven't given anyone that impression”. He continues laughing and Pat's my shoulder and then starts talking about work stuff.

Wtf should I do? I love my job and my coworkers. Everyone's opinion about him reflexts mine: sleazy, micromanaging scumbag yesman who slithered his way to the top yet nothing can be done because the company “culture” is to have “kind” conversations. So no chance in getting him sacked, if I bring it to the GM we will all just sit down and have an awkward conversation and then my life will be hell because he's my overlord.

Anyways that's my rant, thank you all for coming to my Ted talk

Edit*** I went to prison for stealing a car when I was 18

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