
manager scrutinises my ocd

Manager scrutinising my ocd compulsions in short, i have OCD. and it causes me to have a lot of compulsions that minimise anxiety, one of which is constantly differing with my thumbs and not looking people in the eyes. otherwise my real event ocd will take a massive hold of me, today i had a meeting with my manager which was about my bus being late previously and improving my performance. i was incredibly nervous, whag happened was i started looking around, not making eye contact and fidgeting, clearly distressed and not able to form coherent sentences (my manager didn’t know i had ocd prior) she tells me ‘xyz can you please sit still’ o told her i won’t be micromanaged. i have anxiety and if i feel anxious i will perform compulsions. it’s out of my control. to which she said ‘it’s as if you don’t care’. she said…

Manager scrutinising my ocd compulsions

in short, i have OCD. and it causes me to have a lot of compulsions that minimise anxiety, one of which is constantly differing with my thumbs and not looking people in the eyes. otherwise my real event ocd will take a massive hold of me, today i had a meeting with my manager which was about my bus being late previously and improving my performance. i was incredibly nervous, whag happened was i started looking around, not making eye contact and fidgeting, clearly distressed and not able to form coherent sentences (my manager didn’t know i had ocd prior) she tells me ‘xyz can you please sit still’ o told her i won’t be micromanaged. i have anxiety and if i feel anxious i will perform compulsions. it’s out of my control. to which she said ‘it’s as if you don’t care’. she said i always fidget with the charity box, would that be you? ive been told to keep my hands out my pockets, although sometimes ill have to move them about too (another compulsion if i feel an intrusive thought coming) and has previously told me that when i’m at work i have an unhappy face and to look her in the eyes, i told her i have anxiety then too. shes
also told me off for using company electric for cahrgijf my phone. and said she couldn’t tell i was an immigrant by my english. this has all taken a toll on me mentally. i am going to HR but what more can i do?? this is not acceptable :///

another manager came into apologise for her behalf but they’re not actually sincere and are only acting that way because i told them i’m reporting this to HR along with the other racist comments made towards me by other colleague.

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