
Manager told me I made her hire me.

Yes, the title is correct. No. I obviously didn't. Honestly, I'm kind of pissed, but that's because the situation was so recent. Today I went to put in my two weeks. The work culture was absolutely horrible at that place. I'm talking about yelling at employees, public shaming, and 1-day brain mesh training. (plus much more) I just couldn't take it anymore, and I worked 5 hours a week, once a week, at minimum wage. It just wasn't worth it. I had multiple people telling me to quit. I waited until the end of my shift and asked her to come to the back with me because, even though the managers at that job seemed to be into exhibition, I wanted to be professional and keep it cool. I told her I was putting in my two weeks. And before I even got to the why (which was going to…

Yes, the title is correct. No. I obviously didn't. Honestly, I'm kind of pissed, but that's because the situation was so recent.

Today I went to put in my two weeks. The work culture was absolutely horrible at that place. I'm talking about yelling at employees, public shaming, and 1-day brain mesh training. (plus much more) I just couldn't take it anymore, and I worked 5 hours a week, once a week, at minimum wage. It just wasn't worth it. I had multiple people telling me to quit.

I waited until the end of my shift and asked her to come to the back with me because, even though the managers at that job seemed to be into exhibition, I wanted to be professional and keep it cool. I told her I was putting in my two weeks. And before I even got to the why (which was going to be some shit like “career changes” or whatever), she cut me off and said, “Why did you make me hire you.”… ….confused asf. I almost started to look around, because, huh? Was she serious?

I said the obvious thing, like “I didn't,” and then she's like, “Oh , this is the most you said in months.” Now this may be where I spoke too much of my mind, but I said, “Um, why are you mad?” CAUSE I WAS VERY CONFUSED?!! Like y'all, I swear I didn't even say it in a rude way. I was just trying to understand. She's like, “I'm not mad. I'm just asking you a question and want an answer,” so I say, ” I didn't make you hire me,” and she's like, “Yes, you did when you called me that on Wednesday.” . Mind you, she was talking about the ONE time a week after the interview when she said she was going to call me to tell me if I had the job or not. And Wednesday, I called and checked because, in that same interview, she said she was going to be busy and might forget, but she “liked my vibe” and was “probably gonna hire” me.


I said something like, “No, I didn't; I just called to check on my interview. But either way, I just wanted to put in my two weeks or quit.”. She asked for my apron, and I left. I'm glad that's over, but it's just so weird that she said that. Am I missing something?

(PS: I only worked there for MAYBE a month or two, and since I worked once a week for 5 hours and had 1 day of cram training , I didn't speak to her much because she kept getting mad at me for things I had zero clue about in front of customers. I'm talking about things like sales we had going on and being behind the counter 2.5 seconds after a customer left. I'm so serious. The customer was literally still there when she got mad at me. This lady talked like an abusive mother [and a little girl, to be honest; she talked really badly about a lot of people with her favorite employee]. It was emotionally draining and completely unnecessary. On my first day, she was like, “Hey, what did you sell today?” It was retail, selling a lot of things. I said, “Wdym!”. She said, ” NOTHING. NO [product that had sale at time]” I thought she was trying to set up a joke , but it quickly became apparent working there that she was just extremely critical and demanding. And her criticisms were always in front of customers. I had to start taking Tyeloenl because I'd get a stress headache every shift. (So yeah, I didn't want to talk much.)



TL:DR: The manager got mad at me for putting in my 2 weeks, made fun of me, and told me I made her hire me.

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