
Manager used a post it note to tell me im doing something wrong

I started this job about a year ago. I posted on a few other sub about this job, but essentially the job started going downhill in September- upper management is a bit…toxic? But anyways, i sometimes struggle to write because I think im partially dyslexic and i also am a smidge stupid lol. That being said, i for whatever reason struggle with spelling the word debris right. I always accidentally add an e in it- i don't even know why. When my manager has reviewed my quotes in the past, she has maybe max mentioned the issue with how i spelt it 5 times. She never made me felt bad, and when she's mentions it usually its far and in-between so i sorta forget about it, misspell it on accident and don't realize it. I mostly catch the spelling error and correct it but sometimes i don't realize and it…

I started this job about a year ago. I posted on a few other sub about this job, but essentially the job started going downhill in September- upper management is a bit…toxic? But anyways, i sometimes struggle to write because I think im partially dyslexic and i also am a smidge stupid lol.

That being said, i for whatever reason struggle with spelling the word debris right. I always accidentally add an e in it- i don't even know why. When my manager has reviewed my quotes in the past, she has maybe max mentioned the issue with how i spelt it 5 times. She never made me felt bad, and when she's mentions it usually its far and in-between so i sorta forget about it, misspell it on accident and don't realize it. I mostly catch the spelling error and correct it but sometimes i don't realize and it slips by me and she usually catches it.

I guess she's had enough of it today and this morning when i walked into the office, i got a post note on my desk telling me how to spell it. It rubbed me the wrong way because it made me realize that they're not mature enough to talk to me and just will leave a note on my desk like a 16 year old high schooler.

Idk, it really bugged me but maybe im getting heated for no reason.

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