
Manager won’t approve PTO because I want to extend my holiday weekends

I’ll preface this by saying I work for a bank. I used to be a teller, but now I work in the back office for almost a year. My current manager used to be a branch manager and joined the back office team after me. In the branches they super limit what days you can take off. Which makes sense when trying to coordinate a group of 20 people. But my department is very small we only have 7 people and as long as at least 1-2 people are in it’s good. I used to be under the VP of my department. She left late last year. Then I moved under the AVP, until a couple of weeks ago when they asked me if I would be okay going under my current manager who runs a subset department. I should have said no, but they were both on the meeting…

I’ll preface this by saying I work for a bank. I used to be a teller, but now I work in the back office for almost a year. My current manager used to be a branch manager and joined the back office team after me. In the branches they super limit what days you can take off. Which makes sense when trying to coordinate a group of 20 people. But my department is very small we only have 7 people and as long as at least 1-2 people are in it’s good.

I used to be under the VP of my department. She left late last year. Then I moved under the AVP, until a couple of weeks ago when they asked me if I would be okay going under my current manager who runs a subset department. I should have said no, but they were both on the meeting and it would be super awkward to deny it in front of my potential new manager, especially since we have a small close knit department.

Now I’m a coordinator, I coordinate for the entire department. Now I feel very limited to what I can do because I no longer meet as frequently with the other subsets of the department. But that’s another story.

Anyway, While I was under the AVP I asked for a bunch of time off. But she never got around to approving it before the switch.

Next year I’m getting married in Italy so we are not traveling as often as we usually do to save both PTO and money. But I figured a couple of 3 and 4 day weekends would be great for some staycations. But apparently “I’m not allowed to take them all because they are around holidays. And other people might not request them because I did”— yet no one can see them because she never approved them!! And NO ONE I mean literally NO ONE has requested them off and at least 2 of my other colleagues have taken off multiple weeks throughout the entire year!— most likely using their entire time for the year already.

I will also note my AVP last year took off EVERY SINGLE Friday for the entire summer. So like…. Wtf.

On another note, my current manager is constantly late her to her own meetings!! Or reschedules her own meetings when they should be starting!— again I’ve only been under her for a couple weeks, if that!! And it’s always an excuse like oh I forgot my wallet and had to go home and get it, oh I went to get breakfast or I was out for lunch and didn’t realize the time. Or oh I have to drop off my kid at day care right now in the middle of this meeting. The worst is oh I just totally forgot about this meeting oops. Like bro be respectful for my time and maybe I wouldn’t be so pissed about having to change my PTO to accommodate no one!! —End of rant.

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