
Manager’s assistant is on vacation, now I’m asked to shred his papers?

I work in a small firm as an accountant. we've got two managers/founders, analyst team, accounting team (me and my boss), and this lady (let’s call her CR) she handles HR, admin work and office chores Last week, with CR on vacation, a manager handed me a big stack of papers to shred as I was passing by to grab a check from the drawer between him and the shredder.. He framed it in a casual friendly way, but it didn’t feel right, Two analysts turned their heads when he asked me, which I wasn’t surprised as I've had a similar reaction when he asked CR to shred papers in the past, since the shredder is few steps away from him. I guess she agreed to these tasks as they sometimes send her to pick up their food too.. But, it felt out of line for me as an accountant.…

I work in a small firm as an accountant. we've got two managers/founders, analyst team, accounting team (me and my boss), and this lady (let’s call her CR) she handles HR, admin work and office chores

Last week, with CR on vacation, a manager handed me a big stack of papers to shred as I was passing by to grab a check from the drawer between him and the shredder..

He framed it in a casual friendly way, but it didn’t feel right, Two analysts turned their heads when he asked me, which I wasn’t surprised as I've had a similar reaction when he asked CR to shred papers in the past, since the shredder is few steps away from him. I guess she agreed to these tasks as they sometimes send her to pick up their food too..

But, it felt out of line for me as an accountant. I tend to be a people pleaser, which maybe made me an easy target for him..

Worth mentioning, I just returned from a medical leave after an intense wisdom tooth surgery. I’m on strong painkillers that make me dizzy.

Initially, I said okay but later texted him, explaining my dizziness when I stand for long and asked if he could find someone else for this task.

He said there's no rush and we can do it next week and said “I’ll help”, but I have a feeling he's just saying that to get me to do it. It feels disappointing that he rather wait for a week for me to do it rather than ask someone else, if it was a normal task to ask from anyone he could’ve done that.

A bit about him: people have a hard time getting him to provide necessary documents and he’s so bad with emails that we had to hire a virtual assistant to manage his inbox.

Maybe he’s to dependant and doesn’t find his time worthy of shredding as he always likes to give it to CR, so he’s trying to manipulate me to do it for him as he can’t ask anybody else who aren’t perceived nice or “weak” like he thinks I am..

My bf suggests I do it this once but clarify if it happens again that it's not part of my job. What do you all think? Should I tell him how I feel about this, or just suck it up and shred the papers? As I can’t lose this job

Thanks in advance!

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