
Managing expectations

Am I alone in the feeling that when management talks about managing our (employee) expectations that it comes across as condescending and insulting? And when do they ever manage their own expectations of us? Work load keeps increasing, people who quit aren't replaced and they expect us to keep up but WE need to manage our pay expectations‽ Productivity increase doesn't have infinite potential. I know they'd love to replace us all with computers but then who will buy all their junk and services? I'm crabby AF today. 3% raise is better than a kick in the pants but when my rent is increasing 10% a year and the price of everything else keeps going up, 3% is inadequate.

Am I alone in the feeling that when management talks about managing our (employee) expectations that it comes across as condescending and insulting? And when do they ever manage their own expectations of us? Work load keeps increasing, people who quit aren't replaced and they expect us to keep up but WE need to manage our pay expectations‽ Productivity increase doesn't have infinite potential. I know they'd love to replace us all with computers but then who will buy all their junk and services?

I'm crabby AF today. 3% raise is better than a kick in the pants but when my rent is increasing 10% a year and the price of everything else keeps going up, 3% is inadequate.

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