
Many believe the answer to our problems is going backwards

So, I had a discussion with a few people who are successful and have different political views. To put it short, they believe that technological advances are the problem, rather than the answer. They believe that using a machine to replace a manual laborer, is an issue and we should protect those people's jobs. Otherwise, how will these people feed their families?!?! Is what they argued. To me, this was an extremely, how should I put this… stupid perspective and shows how humanity is the problem. When I said good, about these jobs being removed and that people who use these machines, should now pay to community for the jobs they destroyed, they thought I was the one who was crazy. However, it's crazy to me, that people believe forcing someone to go doing backbreaking manual labor is a good thing rather than using new tech. Now another thing to…

So, I had a discussion with a few people who are successful and have different political views. To put it short, they believe that technological advances are the problem, rather than the answer. They believe that using a machine to replace a manual laborer, is an issue and we should protect those people's jobs. Otherwise, how will these people feed their families?!?! Is what they argued. To me, this was an extremely, how should I put this… stupid perspective and shows how humanity is the problem.

When I said good, about these jobs being removed and that people who use these machines, should now pay to community for the jobs they destroyed, they thought I was the one who was crazy. However, it's crazy to me, that people believe forcing someone to go doing backbreaking manual labor is a good thing rather than using new tech. Now another thing to note, these people are manual laborers, I'm not. I was just like they were at some point and moved on. So, I guess I can see their bias, because they're first to have their jobs replaced, not me. But I'm more than willing to help them when that does happen, and they don't want it.

It's these kind of people as to why humanity is so backwards. They refuse to change, adapt, and use technology to solve world problems, all for the sake of money. The same kind of people that will vote in favor to halt GPT5 development, because God forbid, we give this tech to average commoners which now may have a fighting chance of competing with the elite. And this my friends, is why I greatly fear and believe that humanity will destroy itself, if not from war, then from destroying our environment, for the sake for profit. A resource that literally has no value. We are held back because of someone else's greed. Our lives don't have to be so difficult.

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