
Mean Coworkers

Does anyone else think nasty coworkers is the worst part of any job? I quit without notice at my recent job (at a law office) because a few coworkers were being insanely hostile towards me. I brought in a variety of snacks, donuts, mini gifts, cute pens, and lip balm over the past several weeks as a nice gesture. Most people thought it was nice (and all of the stuff would be gone and taken by the end of the day). But this nasty group of women in my office would gossip about me, saying that I was a weirdo and that I was cluttering the space and should go to good will. And these same hags would be eating the snacks I brought in and using the lip balm and pens. So???? They even somehow turned people against me who initially called me sweet and were super thankful. So…

Does anyone else think nasty coworkers is the worst part of any job?

I quit without notice at my recent job (at a law office) because a few coworkers were being insanely hostile towards me.

I brought in a variety of snacks, donuts, mini gifts, cute pens, and lip balm over the past several weeks as a nice gesture.

Most people thought it was nice (and all of the stuff would be gone and taken by the end of the day). But this nasty group of women in my office would gossip about me, saying that I was a weirdo and that I was cluttering the space and should go to good will. And these same hags would be eating the snacks I brought in and using the lip balm and pens. So????

They even somehow turned people against me who initially called me sweet and were super thankful. So I don’t know what they said, but I think they tried to paint me as subversive and seeking attention or something. Idk. It was like a whole mobbing/ smear campaign thing going on.

In my mind, I can’t imagine sitting there and bitterly saying “they should go to good will” and complaining about someone who went and picked up fresh donuts and lugged in a bunch tiny gifts for coworkers. And you don’t have to thank me, but imagine eating multiple items and taking other supplies and then slandering me behind my back…

And one of my nasty coworkers even called me “autistic” and “abnormal” behind my back. So why is she surprised by my weird behavior then??? It’s like bringing in snacks and gifts made a third of my coworkers hate me more than before lol.

I don’t mean to sound conceited, but I genuinely think jealousy was a major factor. The ringleader of my hate group is like 20 years older than me and hated me since my first day. And none of the young employees or male employees (although the area I work is 90 percent women) have any problem with me. They even became nicer after I brought in the snacks and stuff.

A group of old miserable women would sabotage me, take credit for my work, threw away my personal stationary, called me anorexic and kept trying to gaslight me by calling me “overwhelmed” and reporting every minor infraction (real or made up) to my upper boss. It was like they were obsessed with forcing me out, and their efforts increased ten-fold when I received a minor promotion from the boss after only being there a couple months. One woman even made me cry after work before I quit several weeks later.

I had several coworkers who instantly despised me at my newest job (and all of them were between 15-25 years older than me). Most people were neutral with me, and all employees under the age of 30 liked me. But several of the old miserable veteran employees absolutely loathed me and viewed me as some kind of threat.

I feel like at least one coworker aggressively hates me at every workplace. And their level of animosity feels insanely hostile and even scares me slightly at times. I truly don’t understand it. But I feel like bullying is the primary reason I leave any work environment (I haven’t been in many though, and I’m still in my 20s btw)

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