
Media is going hard promoting Taylor Swift and her NFL boyfriend as hard working golden power couple. Who cares?

Just another detached from reality MLM packaged love story. It's so cringe to watch. Taylor Swift has probably a staff of hundreds of people that work in the shadows of her brand. Dancers, stage crew, set designers, choreographers, sound board operators, lighting technicians, production assistants, security, catering crew, wardrobe department. List goes on and on and the media sells it to the public as just one celebrity titan that “works harder” than everyone else. When does this shit stop?

Just another detached from reality MLM packaged love story. It's so cringe to watch.

Taylor Swift has probably a staff of hundreds of people that work in the shadows of her brand. Dancers, stage crew, set designers, choreographers, sound board operators, lighting technicians, production assistants, security, catering crew, wardrobe department. List goes on and on and the media sells it to the public as just one celebrity titan that “works harder” than everyone else.

When does this shit stop?

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