
Medical privacy at a previous job

I just realized how screwed up a situation was at an old job. I was just too young to really think into it more. I got a job at a place that I had to do a bit more extensive medical screening and security checks prior to starting. I went to the medical office where I had to get a check done as well as the TB test. I was given a stack of paperwork that was half from my place of employment, half from the actual medical office. At one point in the paperwork that was from my place of employment it started asking about my menstruation. Asking about the length of my cycles and such. They did it in a very clinical way. The questioning started to get to “how severe is your menstrual pain, and how often is it debilitating to the point you can't go on…

I just realized how screwed up a situation was at an old job. I was just too young to really think into it more.

I got a job at a place that I had to do a bit more extensive medical screening and security checks prior to starting. I went to the medical office where I had to get a check done as well as the TB test. I was given a stack of paperwork that was half from my place of employment, half from the actual medical office.

At one point in the paperwork that was from my place of employment it started asking about my menstruation. Asking about the length of my cycles and such. They did it in a very clinical way. The questioning started to get to “how severe is your menstrual pain, and how often is it debilitating to the point you can't go on with daily tasks?”

…. So in hindsight, knowing how toxic that work environment ended up being, they were definitely trying to ask how often I'd be calling out per month due to my period.

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