
Meeting the new boss soon who will fire me

My boss now has an assistant who will soon be my new boss. I applied for two promotions in two months. One of them was to be my current boss's assistant. I am old but I ain't dead. I can retire. I haven't decided to do so yet. I have not met the new boss yet. I no longer give a rat's ass about the corporation. Corporations do not really “care.” The people at my worksite are not my family. Almost all bosses only “care” when it is convenient to. Human resource departments are there to protect the corporation. Working to rule feels good. I work for me. I cleaned out my desk last night in anticipation of my shitty workplace going in “a new direction.” Fuck these people. I am done. I am looking for better work. I may just retire and sell my extremely bad art at festivals…

My boss now has an assistant who will soon be my new boss.

I applied for two promotions in two months. One of them was to be my current boss's assistant.

I am old but I ain't dead. I can retire. I haven't decided to do so yet.

I have not met the new boss yet.

I no longer give a rat's ass about the corporation.

Corporations do not really “care.”

The people at my worksite are not my family.

Almost all bosses only “care” when it is convenient to.

Human resource departments are there to protect the corporation.

Working to rule feels good.

I work for me.

I cleaned out my desk last night in anticipation of my shitty workplace going in “a new direction.”

Fuck these people. I am done.

I am looking for better work.

I may just retire and sell my extremely bad art at festivals and craft fairs.

I do marker art. I can't draw worth a shit. Neither can most of the other people selling their bad art.

Up the rebels! Up the unions.

Fuck these shitty corporations.

I make bad art. I am not dead yet.

Thank you.

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