

Wtf is there so many meetings??? I work for a large renewables company within offshore operations and I'm not kidding you, there must be at least 5 meetings per day and they bring absolutely no value whatsoever.None. If I need assistance I will call someone, if there's important information that needs to be shared with alot of people then email it, call an adhoc meeting depending how important it is. Meeting lovers; Then there's those people who love presenting, love being the chair of the meeting, gets a kick out of the attention, talks the talk without actually saying much at all, just words and more senseless, ramblings with no message or no actual point. These meetings must cost corporation's billions each year, the amount of down time created just to hear Grant go on about how we are in a good place, to touch base and reach out if…

Wtf is there so many meetings???
I work for a large renewables company within offshore operations and I'm not kidding you, there must be at least 5 meetings per day and they bring absolutely no value whatsoever.None.

If I need assistance I will call someone, if there's important information that needs to be shared with alot of people then email it, call an adhoc meeting depending how important it is.

Meeting lovers;

Then there's those people who love presenting, love being the chair of the meeting, gets a kick out of the attention, talks the talk without actually saying much at all, just words and more senseless, ramblings with no message or no actual point.

These meetings must cost corporation's billions each year, the amount of down time created just to hear Grant go on about how we are in a good place, to touch base and reach out if anyone needs assistance, finishing up with letting everyone know about his up and coming annual leave, where he's going, who he's going with and how he's getting his 'ducks in a row' before he hits that 'out of office' button.

Do me a fucking favour.

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