
Meritocracy is rare in modern labour market

Its all who you know. Its all about who’s ass you are kissing. So called experts call this being extroverted and being able to network, I just call it plain old bs. There are a lot of people with two digit IQ’s getting paid quite a lot of money. They post influencer crap to linkedin and mingle with other assholes. They like kissing each other’s asses. They promote each other, their children and relatives. They call this talent. I call it mediocre people promoting mediocre people. These people get the best jobs. Then they tell more intelligent people that they have to up their game to get better jobs.

Its all who you know. Its all about who’s ass you are kissing. So called experts call this being extroverted and being able to network, I just call it plain old bs. There are a lot of people with two digit IQ’s getting paid quite a lot of money. They post influencer crap to linkedin and mingle with other assholes. They like kissing each other’s asses. They promote each other, their children and relatives. They call this talent. I call it mediocre people promoting mediocre people. These people get the best jobs. Then they tell more intelligent people that they have to up their game to get better jobs.

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