
Mess with my income, do the job yourself

This is a throwaway account as I prefer to keep my original account private. I've followed this subreddit and honestly didn't think I'd ever post here. A little background first. I've worked for a private online business for the past 5 years. I work outside of the home, have a short commute. My husband and I moved one state away from our hometown for his job. I found this job through my neighbor, who personally knew my boss and his wife. I Iove what I do for a living, I've enjoyed my job. I've learned to tolerate my boss because he's not the nicest person. He doesn't have a very friendly demeanor. I'm not usually bothered by him because he doesn't micromanage me. His business is unique and he's dedicated to it. I don't receive health or dental, or any other extravagant benefits. This is okay because my husband and…

This is a throwaway account as I prefer to keep my original account private.

I've followed this subreddit and honestly didn't think I'd ever post here. A little background first. I've worked for a private online business for the past 5 years. I work outside of the home, have a short commute.

My husband and I moved one state away from our hometown for his job. I found this job through my neighbor, who personally knew my boss and his wife.

I Iove what I do for a living, I've enjoyed my job. I've learned to tolerate my boss because he's not the nicest person. He doesn't have a very friendly demeanor. I'm not usually bothered by him because he doesn't micromanage me.

His business is unique and he's dedicated to it. I don't receive health or dental, or any other extravagant benefits. This is okay because my husband and I get benefits through his job. I get 2 weeks of paif vacation per year. I get five unpaid sick days.

I haven't been out sick since last year and I took a one week vacation in January of this year. My boss is never out sick. He firmly believes you work if you are sick. He was a marine and has very strict self guidelines.

About a month ago he got sick and was continuing to come to work. He has an office built on his private property and that's where we both go to the job. He told me ahead of time he didn't feel good and I thought that he would at least take the steps to sanitize the place, if he was not willing to stay home. By the third day, he felt so bad he told me he had to go home, self medicate and sleep, because he had a fever. I made sure that I took the Lysol out of the bathroom and sprayed down anything I could think of. I did not want to get sick.

Fast forward to a week later and I started feeling bad. I worked last Wednesday but called into work last Thursday and Friday, going to the doctor on Friday. It turned out that I had a basic stomach flu. I spent the whole weekend sick, but returned this past Monday. He didn't really say much, and I didn't either. I just wanted to get back to work.

Yesterday, he tells me before I leave that he “forgot” to put in my hours for my payroll this week. He wanted me to know that I won't be getting a check until next week. I receive a check every Wednesday, thorough a payroll company. I'm his only employee.

That's not the worst part, he followed up saying that he forgot, but remembered to put it in when I “finally” decided to come back to work. I was out 2 days, sick, and had my doctor's excuse, and he's the one that got me sick!! Also, have not been out sick all year! And he has the audacity to act like I was sitting at home watching soaps, popping bonbons. I FINALLY decided to come back to work? Thank God I was leaving when he told me this because I was pissed at the amount of disrespect.

I realized how much of an ahole he truly is and that he punished me for something he caused.

I came home and vented to my husband and we decided there's really nothing I can do. And he's retiring next year.

But there was one thing I could do. I called in sick this morning. Have fun doing my job jerk, because I might be sick tomorrow as well. Sick of you.

I wouldn't be able to do this if my husband didn't have a good job. But to hell with asshats who mess with my money

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