
Meta: Why don’t we (ever) include the company name here?

I see posts here from workers who have undeniable, cold-blooded rage texts from their managers… yet we never learn the name of the company. I understand reddit doesn’t allow us posting a specific business location or the managers name. Are posts that name the big global company also blocked? ((EDIT: I heard from a mod. They DO NOT reject posts that name big global companies. They do reject posts that name small businesses. )) The text exchanges are just screen shots of the manager’s own words. That’s not libel. My motivation: There is no chance of the average worker’s quality of life improving if the company receives zero feedback about their managers’ actions. And a lowly, former employee has no power when we are not united. We would also get better results as we (as a group) experiment with different ways to seek publicity for these injustices. It is a…

I see posts here from workers who have undeniable, cold-blooded rage texts from their managers… yet we never learn the name of the company. I understand reddit doesn’t allow us posting a specific business location or the managers name.

Are posts that name the big global company also blocked?

((EDIT: I heard from a mod. They DO NOT reject posts that name big global companies. They do reject posts that name small businesses. ))

The text exchanges are just screen shots of the manager’s own words. That’s not libel.

My motivation: There is no chance of the average worker’s quality of life improving if the company receives zero feedback about their managers’ actions. And a lowly, former employee has no power when we are not united. We would also get better results as we (as a group) experiment with different ways to seek publicity for these injustices.

It is a far stretch to say “If we let you post that it was a manager at one of the 300 Taco Bells in Ohio people will die.” More likely, the properly shamed CEO or district manager will find/retrain/fire the manager and set up policies to prevent it in the future. And maybe the poster will get a settlement check.

There is an activist mindset here on r/antiwork, but there’s no way to take action.

I am sure some redditors want to block the company name, but it couldn’t be everyone.

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