
micromanaging power trip manager

Throwaway here. Sorry this might be a long post but I need to know if I’m overreacting. Im fairly new in the corporate world and I met my manager in my previous workplace and he made a few comments the few times he came to my old workplace which made it look like he fancies me and told he only dates black women, he even made a comment about my body. He told me his office is hiring and a few weeks later I ended up losing my last job and applying to his because I didn’t have anything lined up. I got the job at his office about 4 months ago. I feel like I’m being micromanaged by him (my manager) and my coworker at the same time. I’m still fairly new but it seems like they nitpick everything I do. When I do the tasks they give they…

Throwaway here.

Sorry this might be a long post but I need to know if I’m overreacting. Im fairly new in the corporate world and I met my manager in my previous workplace and he made a few comments the few times he came to my old workplace which made it look like he fancies me and told he only dates black women, he even made a comment about my body. He told me his office is hiring and a few weeks later I ended up losing my last job and applying to his because I didn’t have anything lined up. I got the job at his office about 4 months ago.

I feel like I’m being micromanaged by him (my manager) and my coworker at the same time. I’m still fairly new but it seems like they nitpick everything I do. When I do the tasks they give they find something to complain about. When I take calls sometimes they’re in my face arguing on what I should tell the customer and then I get confused then my coworker blames me for not saying the right thing when I’m still new to the company. Every constructive criticism they give sounds like a moan at me. I took overtime at work when the cleaner left and decided to clean the office in my own time and they complain if I miss a spot or for a dirty coffee spoon when I don’t even drink coffee. I quit the cleaning because it seems they want me to be a professional which I am not and

I’ve noticed my manager is misogynistic and talks down on women in front of me and sometimes makes weird sex comments

My coworker also watches office cameras a lot and made a comment saying I was speaking another language. I was talking to my mum. I don’t know if it’ll be snitching if I complain to hr. When I check my phone he says things like “I’m sure she has a new boyfriend”
Because of these remarks I’ve been really quiet at work and mostly mind my business now but he calls me miserable because I’m quiet, I pick up my phone and i laugh at something funny and he looks up and says “I bet someone is making her happy on that phone”
He sees me busy sometimes and still comes and says “what can you do, you need to be productive” I show him what I’m doing and he says “yeah right”
He tries to police my break times as well saying why do I go on break so late when there’s no policy regarding that. Then makes comments on my eating because I snack at work multiple times, saying I’ll gain weight etc
He comes over to my desk asking why I’m so quiet and I need to be part of the teak goes ahead to say he’s not only my manager he’s my counsellor.
Sometimes he makes comments saying he wonders what my mum thinks of my performance at work like I’m in high school
My coworker also goes ahead to say “I wonder why you haven’t introduced us to your parents yet”

They threaten me when I use my phone saying hr is watching me through cameras. My coworker sent a picture of me using my phone on the camera tv screen saying this is what hr see. My manager keeps saying he’s watching me and says I think I’m clever

So many other comments made by them. Idk if it’s because im new to the corporate works but it’s stressing me out already. I know im not perfect and still learning the job but damn it’s a lot.

Should I go go hr? How do I navigate this. I don’t know what to do

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