
Microsoft is hiring H2B despite just doing layoffs…

After all those layoffs, Microsoft is now proceeding to hire tons and tons and tons of H2B workers for low wages… My friend who works in immigration law mentioned how busy her law firm is processing these applications. Irritates me how large companies just want to get away with paying people a little as possible. This is just the latest example I've seen. I feel like it shouldn't be legal to do that many layoffs and then replace them with lower paid workers than they can take advantage of

After all those layoffs, Microsoft is now proceeding to hire tons and tons and tons of H2B workers for low wages… My friend who works in immigration law mentioned how busy her law firm is processing these applications. Irritates me how large companies just want to get away with paying people a little as possible. This is just the latest example I've seen. I feel like it shouldn't be legal to do that many layoffs and then replace them with lower paid workers than they can take advantage of

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