
Middle class is being systematically destroyed

A society that used to give regular people the tools that they needed to lift themselves into the middle class and beyond is broken. It’s broken beyond repair. When I read posts on Anti work it’s now a meeting place for the former middle class and those that are being disenfranchised by an economy that’s failing. How many employees are being exploited and losing their rights? When young people are demanding better working conditions and boomers come along and say that they are complaining too much it’s not too much in my opinion. It’s too little. Decades if not complaining and not demanding more has allowed employers to become down right parasites.

A society that used to give regular people the tools that they needed to lift themselves into the middle class and beyond is broken. It’s broken beyond repair.

When I read posts on Anti work it’s now a meeting place for the former middle class and those that are being disenfranchised by an economy that’s failing. How many employees are being exploited and losing their rights?

When young people are demanding better working conditions and boomers come along and say that they are complaining too much it’s not too much in my opinion. It’s too little. Decades if not complaining and not demanding more has allowed employers to become down right parasites.

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