
Midi Health hired my wife, then pulled the plug and ruined our finances for the time being.

My wife left a very stable job to work at Midi Health, a women's menopause virtual health clinic. They really pushed stability, how they are a very well funded and making money already, and growing like wildfire. Well, no less than one week from her new start date, we get a call that they no longer need her. “That's what happens with start ups” they say. So a big fuck you to that entire group for ruining my wife's month. Their word is worthless.

My wife left a very stable job to work at Midi Health, a women's menopause virtual health clinic. They really pushed stability, how they are a very well funded and making money already, and growing like wildfire. Well, no less than one week from her new start date, we get a call that they no longer need her. “That's what happens with start ups” they say. So a big fuck you to that entire group for ruining my wife's month. Their word is worthless.

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